Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer to your question, you can email us at


Once your payment is processed, you should receive a confirmation email. If you haven't received it, please contact us at or through our chat.

Once you have selected your pack, you need to enter the personal details of the people who will be taking the tests. Then you will proceed to the order summary where you will find the "Do you have a discount code?" button. Click that button and enter your code.

You can try to reset your password here. If you still can't log in, please email us at or contact us through the chat.

Check your spam folder, as email filters often confuse these types of emails. If you have confirmed that you haven't received it, please contact us at or through our chat.

If you wish to cancel your purchase, you should email us at or contact us through the chat.

Once you have received the confirmation email and have confirmed that your personal information is correct, you can start using the product right away.

Very easy, you just have to choose your pack here, fill in your personal information, and choose your payment method.


The Flash pack takes approximately 15 minutes, the Advanced pack takes about 2.5 hours, and the Premium pack takes about 3.5 hours. Remember that it is recommended to take breaks, and we will indicate when to take them once you start the tests.

No, you can and should take breaks between the different tests. During the tests, we will indicate exactly when to take them. You can complete the battery of tests in one morning, one afternoon, or even on different days or weeks. What you should never do is stop in the middle of performing one of the tests that are part of the battery of tests.

In rare occasions, you may click a checkbox at the wrong time, which will cause the message "The application ended. Please log in again from the platform you accessed initially. Thank you very much."

If this happens, click the "X" in the top right corner; you will immediately return to the initial screen of the tests, and you just need to click "Start now" again.

If this information does not resolve the issue, please email us at or contact us through the chat and explain the type of problem you encountered.

Don't worry, these tests are not an exam, so you can't do them "well" or "poorly". If you had any technical problems, please email us at or contact us through the chat.



When you have completed the tests, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have purchased the pack directly with us, your report will be available in 1, 2, or 3 days (for Flash, Advanced, and Premium packs respectively). If you have obtained your pack through an educational institution or business entity, the deadline will depend on the specific agreement, ranging from 1 day to 1 month. Feel free to ask them directly. In all cases, Singularity Experts will notify you by email when the reports are ready to be downloaded.

*All deadlines are in working days.

Check your spam folder to see if you have received the confirmation email about the results. If not, please email us at or contact us through the chat.

Try refreshing the browser or restarting your session. If you still can't download it, please email us at or contact us through the chat.

If your pack includes a blockchain-certified badge with your skills, you can access it from the "Download my report" option in your private area.
To publish your certificate on LinkedIn:

  1. Sign in to your LinkedIn profile
  2. Click on the "Me" icon in the top menu
  3. Click on the "View Profile" option in the dropdown menu
  4. Go to the "Licenses and Certifications" section and click on the plus sign to add a new certification (if you don't have it, you can add it from the "Add section" button)
  5. Fill in the form fields to upload your badge. You can find this information in the "Download my report" page:
    • Name the certificate: e.g., "Singularity Experts Skills Certificate"
    • Search for Singularity Experts as the issuing company of the Certificate
    • Issue/expiration date: Select the date of issuance of the badge. This certificate does not have an expiration date.
    • Add the ID of the credential that appears on the "Download my report" page.
    • Add the URL of the credential that appears on the "Download my report" page.
That's it! More information here

Our solution uses leading tests in the field of assessment, tested for decades, as well as future-oriented work with highly guaranteed employability. If you need more information, you can find it here.